Monday, May 19, 2008

The World's Changed Little Since

I invited a acquaintance for tea the other day. Being a 'let's go for coffee anytime" kinda person, it was in my nature to do so. What transpired though was an hour and a half long session about the 'End of Days'.

You see my acquaintance is a staunch Christian; and I always like talking to anyone who has a religion. He's a very nice person, and much of what he observed was quite congruent with my own observations.

1. The world's in a bad way
2. There seem to be an almost immediate response to atrocities - shoot monks in Burma, Cyclone strikes; shoot and arrest monks in Tibet, Earthquake know that kinda of 'coincidences'. It's actually a fine example of PRECESSION at work, I say.
3. The Financial markets going south and the spiritual cause.

However much of what he said too, I've for many years held my own views about, and did not agree with him. Not wanting to be entangled in a 'I'm right and you're wrong' situation, I decided to listen. After all it's his truth and if he holds it to be true, so be it.

I've also decided not to state my what I hold to be true, as I felt that it would serve little purpose in that tea session. Dr. Wayne Dyer mentioned this; he said in such situations ask yourself if you'd rather be right, or happy. That day I chose to be happy. That way both my acquaintance and myself end up happy; both holding on to our own truths.

I shall not discuss what was discussed. You see all of us coming from a very diversified circumstances, have points of views that we hold to be true. Now whether it IS the Truth or not really does not matter much, as long as we hold on to our truths.

But you can bet your life that there are people who'd defend their positions or views of the truth. And that's why I say that the world's changed very little. Oh yes from a technological perspective we've grown like crazy. But deep inside, innately we're still very backward.

The wars we're seeing are mild really. Luckily your sons and husbands are not being coerced in to fighting battles for God. Though this still happens in places like Africa where it is reported there are more than 200,000 child warriors. They do not fight battles for God though; only for men who think they are God.

The consolation is that the world is actually enjoying it's longest period of peace, as fragile as it seems. There are no world wars, although I did exclaim, 'Shit! this is the start of World War 3," when the second plane smashed into the second World Trade Center building; nope it has not happened yet.

Ya there's Iraq, but we must discount the actions of and idiot who was elected onto office twice over. But besides that, it's been relatively peaceful.
But what is it going to take to change all this? Oil? Rice? Gas? the Stock Market? HIV? Chicken Flu? A rogue Iran?

God Knows!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just keep writing, bro!